Our Mission 
To serve God by helping all members of Christ’s body love and lead as Jesus loved and led.
Our Vision
Every Catholic in every walk of life leads like Jesus — as servant, steward and shepherd.
Our principles
1. SERVANT -- It is not about me. We are not given existence to gratify and glorify ourselves, but to serve God by loving Him above all else and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Our purpose is to be God’s servants. In the end, life is all about we — God, me and the welfare of all humanity in loving, symbiotic union.
2. STEWARD -- It is not mine. All things and all life come from God. All that we have, beginning with life itself, are gifts from God — entrusted to us to nurture and care for according to God’s plan. We are not owners, but stewards of God’s graces in the world.
3. SHEPHERD -- People are precious. We are all called to look after one another according to the individual gifts entrusted to each of us. We commit ourselves to striving constantly to rise above our self-centeredness so that we are able to love our neighbor as ourselves, and thereby be good shepherds in the image of our dear brother and divine savior, Jesus Christ.
Our Values
1. Reverence
Our lives and our ministry are rooted in the awesome realization that in each moment everything and everyone in the universe emanates from the loving, creative genius of God. God revealed Himself as "I AM" and calls us to understand our own existence as “I Am Because God Loves Me.” We are in awe of our Creator, whose genius is reflected in creation’s incredible complexity, interdependence, and generative capacity, and whose love is reflected in the gift of His only son for our salvation.
2. Humility & Gratitude
Recognizing that God is the source of all, we humbly acknowledge that we are called in love to be His servants, stewards and shepherds. We are so grateful that we want to turn out lives back over to Him in selfless love and to make our every breath, thought and deed a heartfelt “thank you” for God’s great bounty.
3. Honesty
We honor creation and serve life when we do our best to observe, appraise and accurately describe our experience of reality. Recognizing that every living organism and organization relies on good feedback to survive, to thrive and to contribute to God’s creative plan, we vow to always tell the truth with loving kindness.
4. Integrity
We are all parts of one body, and so of course we need one another to experience and sustain life. In God’s Creative Plan, we are one-anothered into existence, into development, into maturity and, ultimately, into eternity. No one lives or does anything of consequence without other people to help and be helped. The needs and interests of others — of other parts of our body — link us and our gifts to significance in life and in God’s Creative Plan for the universe. Therefore, we resolve to listen, to respect and to love the other parts of Christ’s body as we love and look after the needs of our own bodies. We resolve to be kind, considerate and compassionate to others in the same measure as we hope to find kindness, consideration and compassion from our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are committed to our common life in the communion of love that is the Spirit, where we are all called to abide.
5. Growth & Development
As God sheds His grace and pours out His bounty on us in each moment, new information, opportunities and life constantly emerge in history. We owe it to Him and to ourselves to pay attention, to wonder and to probe, to reflect and to proclaim, to appreciate and to celebrate — and thereby to grow, to develop and to nurture the development of others. We are devoted to lifelong inquiry regarding how we each can best build up the body of Christ in this awesome universe.