Keynotes, Short Programs

We welcome opportunities to present brief overviews of the core principles of S³ Jesus-like Leadership in keynote addresses, talks at breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as well as seminars and workshops of virtually any length.

In brief presentations we are able to introduce the basic concepts and point people to how they can learn more — and, perhaps, later to master the principles of Leading Like Jesus.

Short programs serve as an excellent a way to open minds to the incredible possibilities for effective performance and for integrating one’s faith and every life when we follow the teaching and example of Jesus.

We’ve done many short programs for dioceses, professional ministry organizations, business clubs and other Catholic groups around the country — and the evaluations are always very positive.

If you’d like to explore the possibility of hosting a keynote address or a breakfast, lunch or dinner speech -- or if you’re considering offering a short seminar or workshop on how to Lead Like Jesus -- please contact us today.