

By Owen Phelps, Ph.D. Director, Yeshua Institute Some years ago I got an email invitation I wasn’t expecting. It was from an old friend, but one I had seen only once in several years. We had crossed paths at his dad’s funeral Mass. Earlier he had lost his only sibling, a baby br...

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Resisting the curse of violence

Posted on September 26, 2024 in: Articles

By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow American writer and biochemist Isaac Asimov observes: “Violence breeds violence. Acts of violence committed in ‘justice’ or in affirmation of ‘rights’ or in defense of ‘peace’ do not end violence. They prep...

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Not the time to lose our heads

Posted on August 19, 2024 in: Articles

By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Fellow In Italian we have the word ubriaco, in Spanish loco and in German Verruckt. Idiomatically they translate the craziness we are hearing about today’s dysfunctionality. It is difficult to remain psychologically balanced when brutal violence is erup...

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By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow A sigh of relief is ever so comforting whenever news of two opposing parties coming together in unity is experienced. In our divided age, governments, churches and society in general seem to have become matter of fact about the vital role of wor...

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Bashing truth – such a sadness

Posted on June 17, 2024 in: Articles

By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow To experience the truth these days is becoming a mammoth task. The smallest things tend to hide it and idiotic people are forever exploiting it. We have entered an age in which it is difficult to know what or who is truthful. When truthfulness g...

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By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow Confused by postmodern phenomena? Take, for example, the biological advance in the co-discovery of the structure of DNA. We can now take an early-stage embryo and edit a child’s traits. Want a child with altered DNA that will protect again...

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By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow Want a good meditation on our journey through life? Voyage of Life by American artist Thomas Cole is where to begin. His picturesque paintings of Childhood, Youth, Manhood and Old Age depict a voyager traveling in boat on a river through the mid...

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By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow “The more troubled the world becomes, the more important it becomes to be optimistic. And the more deeply we need to root our optimism. When we cannot reasonably base it on how things are going, we know we have to base it in the ultimate real...

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One step at a time

Posted on February 28, 2024 in: Articles

By Fr. Eugene Hemrick​ Yeshua Institute Fellow As I practiced for a triathlon at Lake Michigan on a beautiful sunny day, I thought this weather would be perfect for the next day’s event. Next morning as the gun sounded, I hit...

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By Father Eugene Hemrick Yeshua Institute Fellow As I watched jets retaliate for the deaths of three American soldiers while also retaliating against Houthis -- and then viewed Israel’s attack against Hamas -- I thought, “we are in an age of revenge like never before.” Nev...

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