
By Owen Phelps, Ph.D.

Director, Yeshua Institute

It looks like Catholics are getting the message about the dangers of climate change.

The Jesuit magazine America reported on a recent Pew Survey about climate change in its April 2023 edition (p. 14).

  • The good news is that when asked to indicate if “the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity,” Catholics agreed more than the general U.S. adult population.
  • The bad news is that the difference wasn’t much – 54% of Catholic agreed with that statement while overall 53% of U.S. adults also agreed.

After eight years since publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ – Care for Our Common Home, at least Catholics aren’t lagging behind other Americans when it comes to being concerned about climate change.

Evangelicals lag

The laggers are Evangelical Protestants. Only 32% agree that “the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity,” Among evangelicals:

  • 36% think “the earth is getting warmer mostly because of natural patterns” (25% of Catholics agree);
  • 17% say “there is no solid evidence that the earth is getting warmer” (9% of Catholics agree);
  • 15% say they are “not sure” (12% of Catholics agree).

Other religions, unaffiliated lead

Interestingly, members of other religions and the religiously unaffiliated lead the way when it comes to believing “the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity.”

  • 70% of members of other religions agree with that statement; and
  • 66% of those who are religiously unaffiliated also agree.

Other Catholic data

When it comes to Catholics agreeing that “the earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity:”

  • 23% of those who are Republican or lean Republican agreed;
  • 81% of those who are Democrat or lean Democrat agreed;
  • 70% of Hispanics agreed;
  • 46% of white non-Hispanics agreed;
  • 62% of those age 18-49 agreed;
  • 47% of those 50 and older agreed.

Impact of homilies

In response to a question about discussion of the topic coming up in homilies at Mass:

  • 8% – less than one in 10 – said there was a great deal of discussion about climate change in homilies they have heard;
  • 50% said they had heard “some or little” discussion of the topic.
  • 41% reported never hearing anything about climate change from the pulpit.

It’s a shame that Catholic Church leaders in the U.S. haven’t taken this issue – the most fundamental pro-life issue facing humanity – more to heart. But it’s good to know that Catholics are getting the message on some occasions and a majority have taken it to heart. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for that … and so much more.

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