
A Cup of Encouragement: Mind the Gap

Posted on February 16, 2024 in: Articles

By Dave Coe

Master Facilitator

The first time I heard the expression "Mind the Gap" was when I listened to Mary Chapin Carpenter’s song Going Home.

The expression "Mind the Gap" is an instruction used on the Underground in the UK to warn passengers to be careful when leaving the tube or train, as there is quite a distance between the train and the platform.

It occurred to me that there is a G- A -P for many who are trying to follow our Lord. They are trying to do it on their own. As a result, they are creating unnecessary self-imposed stress, increasing the possibility of tripping and falling before they get to their destination.

Instead, we should all follow Jesus’ example at the beginning of his ministry. He formed a small group. "He chose twelve of them to be his apostles, so they could be with him. (Mk. 3:14, CEV) 

That was his small group.

As evangelist Rick Warren explains: “(Jesus) started a small group because he knew God wanted him to do ministry and walk through his hardest days with his friends at his side. Jesus had the power to do anything; however, he knew the power of having a small group for support. When he went to the Garden of Gethsemane, he said to his disciples: ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, stay here and watch with me’.” (Matt. 26:23, NIV) 

Even Jesus reached out to his small group when he was in crisis.

Crisis or not, you and I need a small group of trusted Christ-centered friends for prayerful support and strength on our journey towards our destination -- into his loving arms now … and at the end of our lives.

God does not expect us to go it alone or manage our lives by ourselves. We need his direction and strength, and we need to humble ourselves by admitting our need for the support of a small prayer-and-share group. 

If you ask him, he will lead you to a group of trusted Christan men and or women, those who will help you to "Mind the Gap."

Consider this: "For want of guidance a people fails, safety lies in many advisors." (Proverbs 11:14, TJB)

I know that is true in my life. 

God Bless you and yours – now during Lent ... and always.

[David Coe is a Master Facilitator for the Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus, S-3: Servant, Steward, Shepherd. He is also a Certified Correctional Ministries Chaplain and a Certified Correctional Ministries, Christian Life Coach.] 



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