
Shepherd leadership: Pope is on board

Posted on February 19, 2019 in: Articles

We believe that there is no better model for effective leadership than Jesus – and that he led as a Servant, Steward and Shepherd. That’s what we mean by S3 Leadership.

At various times Pope Francis has spoken of leadership in the church in the context of servant, steward and shepherd – although we confess that we have been waiting for him to mention all three at the same time.

We are still waiting. But in the meantime, he recently told bishops that they should lead as fathering shepherds, not overbearing administrators.

He urged the bishops to follow the example of St. Oscar Romero, who modeled caring for his flock with the heart of a father rather than becoming an authoritarian lording over those in his care.

His comments came last month when he was meeting with Central American bishops in Panama during the World Youth Day celebration there.

As he urged the bishops to evangelize youth – telling them to “snatch them from the streets before the culture of death can entice their young minds” – he cautioned them not to reach out “paternalistically, looking down from on high, because that is not what the Lord asks of us.”



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