By Owen Phelps, Ph.D.
Director, Yeshua Institute
In sharing the Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus, we introduce people to S3 Leadership: Servant, Steward and Shepherd.
It’s the way Jesus led and taught his disciples to lead. It’s the way he wants all of us to lead – at home, at work, in our communities and in our parishes.
Wherever we are, all of us are called to be leaders some of the time. So learning how to Lead Like Jesus is a critical skill for every follower of Christ.
When we explain Servant Leadership, we note that the essence of this approach is behaving with the heartfelt conviction that “it’s not about me.”
That lesson came home to me as we were preparing our last edition of The Catholic Leader. As I was reading reams of material related to the start of Lent and the sad continuation of the Church’s sexual abuse crisis, I came across an article in the electronic news service CRUX with the headline: This year’s Lent could be just what we all need.
After I read it, I knew there was nothing more important we could provide to our readers at the moment – and so we shared it with you.
Now we’re going to do that again, only we’re going to refer you to two articles published in CRUX:
I heartily recommend both articles for providing healthy and helpful observations for Catholics as both Lent and the clergy abuse crisis continue.
And I wish all my fellow Catholics blessings and healing as time goes on.