
One of our principles in The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus is “all of us are smarter than any of us.”

And just to prove our principle, we have to tell you that it isn’t original with us. We borrowed it from Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager and co-founder of the Lead Like Jesus Movement. Thanks, Ken.

Now we’d like to apply that principle to pastoral leadership – but we need your help to do it.

Specifically, we need you to contribute best practices from your parish that we can share with the rest of our readership.

If there is something that you or someone else in your parish is doing to increase members’ engagement and contribute to the common good, we want to hear about it and share it.

This is a great opportunity to affirm your parish and some or all of the people in it.

It doesn’t have to be a huge thing – like you don’t have to feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes. No, nothing like that.

But maybe you have a spiritual development program or a service project that has attracted and/or helped people in your area – and you think people in other parishes might benefit from knowing about it and possibly trying to imitate it on their own turf.

If so, let’s team up. Just send what you know about the program, project or service to We’ll share what you tell us with visitors to our website and readers of The Catholic Leader.


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