
By Owen Phelps, Ph.D.
Director, Yeshua Catholic Leadership Institute

When it comes to the popular notion that highly-effective leaders are charismatic figures, I've got good news and better news for you.

First, the good news. It's not true that people who have what passes for charisma in our society — good looks and an outgoing personality — make any better leaders than the rest of us.

At least that's good news for the vast majority of us who are never confused with Hollywood starlets or box office idols and who might finish second in a personality contest with Ben Stein.

Now for the better news. Real charisma gives a leader great power to exercise long-term influence over followers. Often that influence is life-shaping and even extends beyond the grave.

Finally, here's the best news. If you are breathing, you have charisma — or at least the capacity for it. That's because real charisma — rooted in that old Catholic word "charism" — is about things much more substantial than good looks and personality traits.

Charism means "personal, distinctive gifts of the Holy Spirit." We're all born with those. To be charismatic describes one who develops his or her gifts — who becomes ever more fully his or his authentic self — the self that God endowed each of us to be.

Charismatic people are people who keep learning and growing, who keep their calm in crisis, who care about others and who take the time to nurture others because they sense that they are called — not driven — to build relationships. Charismatic people are people who embody wisdom and concern for the good of others.

And finally, the profound news. Charismatic people — in the original sense of the word — exercise the most influence in other people's lives. You don't need to look good or even talk good. What's required is only that you do good for the people around you. We can all do that, can't we?

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