The opportunity to get a 2015 tax deduction for your donation to the Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute ends at midnight Thursday, Dec. 31.
“We hope everyone who hasn’t yet had an opportunity to contribute will do so before the end of the calendar year,” said Owen Phelps, the Institute’s CEO.
“Our vision is very ambitious: that every Catholic in every walk of life leads like Jesus — as servant, steward and shepherd,” he added.
“Imagine what kind of church and world we would enjoy if every Catholic, clergy as well as lay, was a Jesus-like Leader,” Phelps continued. “Our homes, workplaces, churches and communities would become all that God intends them to be – and our lives would be immeasurably better and more satisfying.
“Even though our goal is ambitious, we are moving closer to it every day with the support of people like you. No donation is too small to do some serious good on behalf of our vision. So if you can spare a moment and a few dollars, we hope you’ll support our Annual Appeal today. Just click here to donate.