

No doubt there are some incredibly virtuous people who live pious, selfless lives of service that help and inspire virtually everyone they encounter and make the world a better place in which to live. Then there are the rest of us. We seem to need constant reminding that life’s highest purp...

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By Owen Phelps, Ph.D. Director, Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute A professor leading an orientation program for new doctoral students was trying to explain the concept of “systems.” She started with a question: “Is an airplane full of passengers a system?&rdquo...

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Anyone at the consistory for new cardinals at the Vatican Nov. 20 who is remotely familiar with the work of the Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute might have thought they were attending a Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus Encounter. That’s because Pope Benedict XVI sele...

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“The leader’s style pulls ... (and) a pull style of influence works by attracting and energizing people to an exciting vision of the future. It motivates by identification, rather than through rewards and punishments.” - Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus  Leadership that pulls ...

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Gretchen Rosswurm, who has worked for several Fortune 500 firms and is currently Director of Global Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility at Celanese, a global chemical company in Dallas, says the outstanding leaders she has worked with share five “communication habits&r...

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John Spence, author ofAwesomely Simple: Essential Business Strategies for Turning Ideas into Action, says that there are four problems that CEOs consistently identify as the biggest challenges holding back the performance of their organizations:   Lack of a vivid and extremely well-commu...

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At the eighth annual International Conference on Catholic Social Thought at the University of Dayton in June, Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, called on Catholic business schools to help students develop a moral compass. He also pointed leaders to...

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The news came in an email from my brother Mike on Monday afternoon, July 16. Stephen Covey, 79, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, had died earlier in the day. The news left a little hole in my heart. I had never met Covey. But I felt I knew him from reading several of his books &...

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In our Encounters, we often summarize the history of leadership in two minutes or less. In those 120 seconds, we break it down into four stages: C1: Compliance – This is how leaders generally led from the dawn of humanity until the 1920s. In a C1 leadership context, the primary ta...

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Recently I was reading an article in which the author noted “few of us are natural-born leaders,” and so she offered five basic tips to help new leaders get on the right track – and stay there.  It struck me that not only were all of her tips sound, but they also affirmed o...

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