
  Some will say that being successful in business is all about focusing on shareholder value. The interests of other stakeholders –employees and their families, customers or clients, communities, vendors and creditors, for example – are secondary at best. Others say success in...

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  It was early in the days of personal computers. Word processing and spreadsheets were common applications among early adopters. But computer-to-computer communication was in its infancy and no one had a web browser yet. Enterprising school administrators were getting their first computers,...

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When we talk about being a Jesus-like Leader, we say it is a matter of aligning four things: Heart; Head; Hands; and, Habits. Recently, Lead Like Jesus co-founder Ken Blanchard suggested in a non-religious context that we should try to make servant leadership a habit. Knowing tha...

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By Owen Phelps, Ph.D. Director, Yeshua Institute My mom was an incredible woman. After she gave me life, she nurtured me physically and emotionally for as long as she lived. As time passed she also gave life to nine more children, my siblings. As a tribute to her wisdom, patience, persistence ...

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In the spirit of the old adage “If they give you lemons, make lemonade,” broadcast journalist Shellie Karabell, who has worked for ABC News, PBS, AP Broadcast and CNBC recently offered in Forbes a list of things that good leaders can learn from bad bosses. 1. Mutual respect. She learn...

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  Among our ever endless quests for silver bullets to solve all our problems, many leaders want to know the secret to leading millennials – that huge phalanx of people born roughly between 1980 and 2000. Google HR chief Laszlo Bock, who hires a ton of millennials, says there is no s...

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We’ve become a big fan of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) and its cofounder and president, Al Lopus. That’s why we weren’t surprised to find an excellent article by Lopus on the importance of trust and how to build it in Christian organizations on the BCWI website...

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In the May 25 issue of The Catholic Leader, we noted that if leaders are focusing primarily on expanding their influence, they are focusing on the wrong thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to be an influential leader. Indeed, Jesus wanted us to lead with influence. But the w...

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In the May 18 edition of The Catholic Leader, we discussed the importance of leaders being able to delegate – but also noted that not all tasks can or should be delegated. The story included a link to a matrix by Julie Winkle Giulioni outlining which tasks leaders should and should not delegat...

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My dad came home from work one day with a story that clearly amazed him. He told us about it at the dinner table. Dad was a pharmaceutical salesman, and on that day he had paid a visit to a physician at a residential facility for seriously mentally ill patients. At the reception desk he was clear...

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