
God invites us to a life of gratitude while the world fosters discontent. God proposes trust, the world arouses fear. God promotes giving, the world promotes getting. God invites us to cooperate with His providence while the world rallies behind self-determinism. God appoints us in stewardship while...

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We’ve all heard the old adages: “If you can’t say anything nice about a person, don’t say anything at all.” “It is better to be quiet and to let people think you might be ignorant than to speak up and confirm it.” We also know that sometimes we are ...

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Posted on July 13, 2015 in: Articles

It’s not unusual for leaders to be quick thinkers — people who are able to process information rapidly and respond creatively. That’s a good thing. But often such people are impatient with people who think and speak more slowly — and that’s a bad thing. If you finish pe...

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By Father Eugene Hemrick Director, National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood As I was leaving the National Gallery of Art on a clear, warm evening last fall, I did a double-take at the unending line that had formed in front of and around the U.S. Capitol. People literally were pouring...

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Until the mid-20th century, the management task through all of human history was compliance. Then, realizing that “you get more bees with honey than with vinegar,” management’s focus moved to cooperation. But now in the Age of Information, with what Peter Drucker called “k...

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Writing for SmartBlog on Leadership, Gretchen Rosswurm suggests eight ways to keep your people engaged in their work. By engagement she means "what employees or teams do to make everything go a little better for each other, their customers and their communities." In harmony wi...

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Keeping first things first

Posted on July 13, 2015 in: Articles

What makes the Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus unique is our focus on S3 Leadership -- servant, steward and shepherd. Many of you are familiar with these concepts. But no doubt some of your aren't. And all of us can use a reminder from time to time. So here's the 10-second "el...

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As a terrible, life-taking storm raged across the eastern half of the United States this week, it's a good bet that a lot of leaders were giving orders -- and a lot more followers were quickly responding to them. By their nature, emergencies are not resolved by a lot of process. In times of c...

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By Dr. Owen Phelps Director, Yeshua Institute “Go and preach the Gospel. And if you must, use words.”- St. Francis of Assisi to his followers One of the foundational principles of the Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus is that “our actions speak louder than words.”...

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Evangelization - we can't opt out

Posted on July 13, 2015 in: Articles

There are a few things in life where we really don't have any choice. One is communications. We cannot choose to "not communicate" and think that's the end of our interaction with someone. When we shut up, people ascribe meaning to our silence. As my wife told me once, &quo...

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